MAB- Muslim Association of Bol

by MadinaAPPS



Mission:To serve the Muslims in Bolingbrook and in the surrounding communities by providing Islamic Education and Islamic activities, by strengthening the community religiously and socially based on the noble principles of Islam, with the teachings and practices of our beloved Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).Vision:We envision the Muslim Association of Bolingbrook to be a safe, financially self-sufficient home of a vibrant Muslim community...1. Where MAB is helping to shape the exemplary Muslim character of its families and its members of whatever race, nationality, ethnicity, age, or gender they happen to be;2. Where living to the true ideals of Islam, MABs young men and women are forming a solid foundation for both their own and MABs future growth;3. Where through their knowledge, character and behavior, MAB’s members are imprinting the positive impact of being true Muslims upon the rest of society;4. Where senior members, children, new Muslims/members, and those with special needs are being cared for with dedication and compassion;5. Where given MABs diverse facilities for prayer, education, health, physical activity, and end-of-life needs, the area in and around Bolingbrook has become, by the grace of Allah (SWT), highly sought-after for relocating Muslim families;6. And where MAB offers a compelling environment and example to those of our neighbors contemplating Islam as a new-path for themselves.”Educational Services:1. Hifdh Academy for boys and girls2. Weekend School with a trained staff of 70 volunteers3. Karate Martial Arts for boys and girls4. Mosque Open Houses - Islam 101 classes for people from other faiths and outreach, with a partnership and collaboration with GainPeace.Social Services:Food pantry / food drive partnering with ICNA Relief and other local services.Counseling Services:Marriage, parental, and individual counseling services through MAB Imaams and partenership with Khallil Center.